


Thanks to Galavito Heating Tables we prolonged our outdoor season, which was appreciated not only by our guests, but also by us in the restaurant. The operational costs for the Heating Tables are minimal, compared to gas heaters. There is no need to use and store gas tanks anymore at our restaurant. Thanks to Galavito Heating Tables, we can provide our guests a nice stay at our outdoor spaces even in colder months.

Manager of steak restaurant Beef & Beer, Uherské Hradiště

Galavito Heating Tables made our New Year’s party for our employees much better. It was freezing outside and Heating Tables were not only good for the smokers, but also for the people waiting for the food truck meals. Since the very beginning all Heating Tables were full.

Marketing Specialist in CzechInvest

The investment in heating tables pays off after just a few days. Not only guests enjoy comfort during the cold evenings, but the visibility of our restaurant is much more higher. The quality of the products is unquestionable and I am glad that we have cooperated with you. I am proud that there is a company on the Czech market with high quality products and services that I will not be afraid to recommend to other colleagues.

Manager of Dominican Hotel


Logo Hotel Dominican

Wrote about us


Model BISTRO DUO byl oceněn v soutěži Grand Prix jako nejlepší výrobek v kategorii Technologie a vybavení
Model BISTRO DUO byl návštěvníky zvolen jako Favorit veletrhu FOR GASTRO & HOTEL
Firma Galavito uspěla se svým nápadem v Grantovém programu AMSP ČR
Firma Galavito s.r.o. byla mezi finalisty soutěže Česká inovace